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Benefits of Guest Posting and Backlink Quality

In recent years, guest posting for backlinks has been a huge thing when it comes to rankings, and it shows no sign of slowing down. Guest posting is one of the best ways to get high quality backlinks, and you usually don’t have to pay for them if you approach it the right way. You can, of course, pay websites to let you post high quality content on their blog or pages, but it’s not always necessary.

Guest posting isn’t too difficult to do; you need to find a bunch of niche related websites and approach them with an email that isn’t too “pitchy” to intrigue them. You’ll just be telling them you can write a lot of high quality content for them, content that will help them get traffic, and all you ask is a backlink within a couple of the articles each month. Most of the time you will get people accepting your content, some will ask for a small payment to do this, but in the end, you will have to put in the work to find the right blogs or websites and get posts on them.

High DA Backlinks Acquisition

We briefly went over what to do to acquire a high DA backlink through guest posting, but let’s get more into it. The easiest way to find these blogs and websites is to do a Google search for something like “(your niche) blog” or “(your niche) forum,” and you will get a lot of results popping up. Another way to do this is to use a scraper, custom built or by using something like Scrapebox and find thousands of results easily this way.

Now what you’ll want to do is run your lists through a DA and PA checker to make sure you’re not placing content on websites that won’t help you as much. Some people say to start posting on websites, blogs, and forums with lower DA/PA because it’s easier to get content on them, but I say why not start at the top and work your way down? You’ll get a more significant benefit if you land a DA 70 link a few times than getting a dozen DA 5 to DA 10 backlinks. You may not get as many of these very high DA links, but the few that you get will help boost your rankings better than the lower DA links.

Now that you have a list of websites, blogs, and forums sorted by their DA and PA, you will begin to contact them. You can use a form submitter, but those aren’t very personalized, so take your time and go through the websites and see where they lack in terms of content. After you figure out where they’re lacking, pitch them an idea of what content you’d like to guest post with and make sure you tell them the traffic they could be getting with the content you’re writing if it were to rank well in the search engines. Most of the time you will get people coming back and giving you a chance if you personalize the emails and pitches being sent out 🙂

Guest Posting Gets Rankings

It’s no surprise that backlinks help with your rankings, but guest posting gets you in context links from niche relevant websites, and we all know that’s pretty much gold in Googles eyes. Some people focus solely on guest posting to get rankings, and it works most of the time. You’ll build up your authority by being seen on big websites within your niche as well as getting found on top of the search results pages when people look for you on their favorite search engine.

Some people focus solely on guest posting to get rankings, and it works most of the time.

Takes Time But It’s Worth It

If you’re not used to doing SEO, then this method to obtain backlinks might seem like a very long process. You could be guest posting for six months and only get a dozen website or blog owners agreeing to let you post content on their pages. Getting high DA backlinks from only 12 websites is well worth it, even though you’re only getting a few per month from these sites, so be sure to invest plenty of time into this. Getting 12 websites to agree after six months of work is a low estimate, you could get 100+ if you’re contacting websites and blogs daily. This is a sort of backlink method that pays off much better when you have the time to invest in it.

The Link Juice Is Worth The Squeeze

The higher the DA a guest post backlink has, the better it is for your rankings, so it’s worth the time invested even if you’re only getting a single backlink a month for 5+ articles submitted. Think about it; you can get a dozen websites agreeing to let you post content, that means you can get 12 or more high quality backlinks a month from these websites.

Getting various posts on your first few authority websites will open up the doors to more websites and blogs that wanted to see some proof of work before letting you post on their blogs. Now that you have the content live, because you worked with all of the website owners who allowed you to post, you have plenty of proof to show those skeptical owners who weren’t sure if you were legitimate.

Invest your time into this, and it will be worth it in the long run!

Quick Tip: Link Insertions

This is similar to guest posting, but you don’t have to do any of the work. The majority of the time you will have to pay for something like this because your link will be inserted into an article that is already written and indexed, but this is also a great way to get high DA backlinks quickly. The price per link depends on the DA of the website and how much the owner of that website or blog knows about domain authority. You could pay R100 or R10,000+ for a DA 70+ link; it just depends on who owns the site and how they liked your pitch.

In the end

Guest posting is one of the best ways to gain high quality backlinks with a high DA. The only downside of this backlink method is that it does take a bit of time investment. You may work 40 hours a week to get one website to allow you to guest post, but that will compile over time, and you can eventually show proof of work to skeptical blog and website owners. The more time you put into this method, the more it will boost your rankings in the long run, so keep it up and be diligent.

Have you done guest posting to acquire links for your website, and what have worked for you? Do you know of any sites that accepts guest posts? Leave your comments and questions in the comments section below.

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